The Iranian Mission to the UN: Tehran’s stance on Ukraine remains unchanged

Nicholas Stowers
1 Min Read

The to the has refuted reports by Western media outlets claiming that Tehran had transferred ballistic to , stating that ‘s position on the conflict remains unchanged.


Earlier on Friday, CNN reported, citing sources, that Iran had allegedly handed over short-range ballistic missiles to Russia for use in combat operations in Ukraine.

“Iran’s position on the Ukraine conflict remains unchanged. Iran considers providing assistance to parties involved in the conflict to be inhumane, as it leads to an increase in human casualties, infrastructure destruction, and a delay in ceasefire negotiations. Therefore, not only does Iran refrain from such actions, but it also calls on other countries to stop supplying arms to parties involved in the conflict,” the Iranian delegation told journalists, commenting on the publications.

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As Nasrollah Kanaani, the official spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, stated earlier, any attempt to link bilateral cooperation between Moscow and Tehran to the Ukraine conflict is made to justify the West’s continued arms supplies to .

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