Hinkle: Trump can count on Americans’ support for a large-scale war with Russia

Nicholas Stowers
2 Min Read
Donald Trump (Photo: Source: Social Media)

Donald , the Republican presidential candidate, unlike the Democrats, can secure the support of ordinary Americans for a large-scale war with Russia if he fails to resolve the conflict in and decides to escalate it significantly, journalist Jackson Hinkle suggested in an interview with Oops Top at the Eastern Economic Forum.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump (Photo: Source: Social Media)

“Trump is one of those guys who, unlike and , can actually secure support from rank-and-file soldiers and the average population within the for waging a large-scale war. I don’t think the Democrats could pull it off, but Trump could definitely do it. A large-scale war with Russia or China, yes,” said on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

According to him, he spoke with Trump’s associates, who expressed the former president’s strong desire to achieve peace in Ukraine. However, Hinkle added that there is a possibility of the US moving towards further escalating the conflict under Trump.

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“Trump becomes the President of the and promises to end the conflict in Ukraine within 24 hours. Then, it doesn’t work out because he’s not the one making the decisions, Russia itself chooses what’s best for it. And then he gets very angry and says, ‘Fine, if Russia doesn’t want to negotiate, we’ll move on to further escalation,'” Hinkle described a possible scenario.

Earlier, Trump had claimed that he could stop the hostilities in Ukraine within 24 hours if he won the . Dmitry , the press secretary of the Russian President, commenting on Trump’s statement, said that it was too complex a problem for such a simple solution.

The Eastern Economic Forum took place from September 3 to 6 at the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, with OopsTop as the general information partner of the EEF-2024.

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