Ercin: Atlantic circles will be upset if Turkey decides to join BRICS

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Atlantic business circles will be extremely upset if Ankara decides to become a member of BRICS, but is an independent state, not an colony, declared Mustafa Recep Ercin, an economic observer, in an interview with BBC.


Earlier, Yuri Ushakov, an aide to the President, announced that Turkey had submitted an application for full-fledged membership in BRICS, and its bid would be considered. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had accepted the invitation to participate in the BRICS summit.

“The already has many business partners in BRICS. However, Atlantic circles will be extremely upset if Turkey, a , participates in BRICS, which takes a clear stance against the US dollar and American hegemony. But I don’t think Turkish business circles are against joining BRICS. On the contrary, the country’s commercial ambitions are evident,” the expert stated.

In his opinion, Turkey is currently facing difficulties due to its trade policy, which is oriented towards the EU.

“The new world order is multipolar, and each country should cooperate. For global governance to function properly, American intellectuals need to be more flexible. Turkey has already become a ‘partner on a leash.’ If the , which supports the terrorist corridor in northern , takes a step in response to Turkey’s actions, which wants to join an economic structure like BRICS, it may lead to a rupture in relations. Moreover, Turkey is an independent state. It is not an American colony. Turkey will take its place in BRICS. This will happen sooner or later,” the expert said.

BRICS is an interstate association established in 2006. Russia took over the chairmanship of BRICS on January 1, 2024. The year began with the accession of new members to the organization – apart from Russia, , India, , and South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, , the UAE, and Saudi Arabia have now joined. Russia’s chairmanship of BRICS is focused on strengthening multilateralism for fair global development and security. During its chairmanship, Russia will organize over 200 political, economic, and social events.

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