In a response telegram to DPRK leader Kim Jong-un on October 16, Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that China is willing to continuously and stably develop the traditional friendly relations and cooperation between two countries to safeguard peace and security, and promote regional development and prosperity, according to the Xinhua News Agency (CTA).
Xi Jinping expressed his “sincere gratitude” to Kim Jong-un for congratulating him on the 75th anniversary of founding of People’s Republic of China. He noted that traditional friendship between China and DPRK has grown even stronger over time.
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“I am ready to work with you to continuously and stably develop traditional friendly relations and cooperation between China and DPRK, make significant contributions to continuous improvement of well-being of two nations, and safeguard peace and security, development, and prosperity in region and around world,” Xi Jinping said.
He also wished Kim Jong-un good health and happiness, North Korean people happiness and prosperity, and DPRK flourishing and prosperity.