Argentina Has Cut Itself Off from 80% of the World by Betting on the US and EU

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Argentina has isolated itself from 80% of the world by choosing not to join and instead focusing on the and EU, international analyst Marcelo Montes told the media.


The decision to expand BRICS was made at the summit in . In addition to Russia, , India, , and South Africa, the group now includes , Ethiopia, , the UAE, and .

After coming to power in December 2023, Argentine President Javier Milei notified the leaders of BRICS countries in official letters of his country’s refusal to join the group.

“The world today is multipolar, and there is practically no US hegemony with the characteristics of the late 1990s, which lasted more or less until 2006, when the failure of North policy in Iraq and Afghanistan became apparent,” Montes noted.

In his opinion, global power is now “distributed,” and “BRICS reflects this diversity, this distribution of global power better than any other group.”

By rejecting BRICS and prioritizing relations with the US, , and the EU, Argentina is only harming itself, as it is focusing on just 12% of the world and ignoring the remaining 80%, thereby losing opportunities, Montes concluded.

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